Detecting foundation problems at an early stage will prevent them from growing larger. It will also keep your home safe and comfortable.

There are several different options for Foundation Repair, including piers, slab jacking, and concrete raising. These methods redistribute the weight of your house to more stable soil or bedrock. Click Here to learn more.
There are a few types of cracks that can form in a home’s foundation, and each needs to be dealt with differently. While a hairline crack that appears to be harmless might not seem like a problem, ignoring it could allow water and moisture into the home, causing mold growth, weakened building materials, excessive wear on heating and cooling systems and pest intrusion. Cracks that are wider than a hairline should be evaluated by a professional because they may indicate structural problems such as soil shifting or movement of the foundation.
The good news is that these non-structural cracks are typically caused by natural settlement and can be easily repaired with a polyurethane or epoxy concrete crack filler. These products can be applied with a caulking gun to narrow fissures in concrete, and they are effective for filling hairline cracks that don’t show signs of expanding or widening. A simple test for a hairline crack is to see if a quarter fits snugly inside of it; if it does, call a professional.
Wider cracks, particularly those that are stair-step or diagonal in nature, can be a sign of a major issue such as hydrostatic pressure on the foundation. This type of crack is most often found near the foundation of a basement and tends to accompany wall bowing. These issues should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent the problem from worsening.
Another common repair for non-structural cracks is to inject polyurethane or epoxy resin into the cracked areas. These are highly effective for narrow fissures that don’t show signs of expanding and can be done by a licensed contractor. If you notice that your foundation has sunken areas, a contractor can raise these by “mud-jacking,” which involves pumping a cement mixture under the area to lift it. In addition, a contractor can install drainage systems around the house to improve water flow away from the foundation. This will help to alleviate the pressure on the foundation and reduce the risk of future issues.
Sunken Areas
Foundation problems rarely go away on their own, so it’s important to act fast. Small cracks that seem harmless are not to be ignored, as they may indicate more severe structural damage to your home. Often, these signs are accompanied by a sinking foundation.
Many factors contribute to a sinking foundation, including outdated construction techniques and insufficient drainage systems. Poor drainage causes the soil to swell and shrink more frequently, putting strain on the foundation. Additionally, clay soils tend to expand and contract more than other types of soil. This constant expansion and contraction causes the soil to erode around the foundation, creating voids that undermine the stability of the structure above.
A sinking foundation can cause serious damage to your home, and you should seek professional repair solutions as soon as you notice any symptoms. The earlier the issue is identified, the less costly the repairs will be.
The most common symptom of a sinking foundation is uneven floors. A quick four-foot level test can tell you if the floor of your house is even or not. Other clues to look for are doors that stick and windows that don’t open and close easily, gaps developing in baseboards or cabinetry, and drywall separating from the wall.
When a foundation sinks, it shifts the entire structure of your house. This can affect the door and window frames, which are typically made from rigid materials that don’t bend very well. It also strains the floor, causing it to warp, crack, and slope.
There are a variety of options to fix a sinking foundation, but the most effective method is underpinning. This repair solution uses push piers to lift, stabilize and restore the concrete slabs that make up your foundation. This is an extremely durable solution that can be installed under existing homes.
Another way to correct a sinking foundation is to mud jack the affected areas. This technique involves pumping concrete under the affected slabs to raise it back to its original position. This is a cost-effective option for repairing smaller areas, but it’s not a good choice for fixing large sunken sections of the foundation.
Structural Damage
The foundation of your home or business provides stability and support for the rest of the structure, but various factors can lead to damage over time. Fortunately, early detection and professional repair can help you avoid structural issues and maintain a safe building environment. Inspecting the exterior and interior of your property for signs of damage is an important step to take, including hairline cracks, uneven floors and difficulty opening or closing doors.
Vertical cracks in foundation walls can result from normal settling, while horizontal cracks indicate a more serious issue such as differential settlement, soil movement or hydrostatic pressure. Large diagonal cracks can also indicate a structural problem and should be addressed promptly by a qualified specialist.
A qualified professional can assess the severity of your foundation problem and determine which repair method will be best. For minor problems, epoxy injection or carbon fiber reinforcement may be sufficient to stabilize the affected area and prevent further damage. In severe cases, helical piers may be used to lift sunken areas of your foundation. These piers are driven into the ground using hydraulic jacks until they reach competent load-bearing strata beneath your home or business, then a process called “lifting” is performed.
Before beginning the actual repair, a contractor will thoroughly inspect your foundation for damage or other issues. They will remove any loose or deteriorated concrete, then clean the surface for a strong bond with the new repair material. A waterproofing agent is then applied to the entire foundation, preventing future moisture intrusion and promoting structural integrity.
Once the prep work is complete, a foundation specialist can install support systems that will stabilize your foundation and lift sunken areas. These supports can include hydraulic piers, steel piers or a combination of both. When a technician chooses a support system for your foundation, they will take into account several factors such as the size of the sunken area and the length of time you want to lift your foundation. The goal is to achieve maximum practical recovery, which is the amount of lift that can safely be achieved without compromising the structural integrity of your home or business.
Repair Options
The good news is that there are a number of different foundation repair options available to you. When you consult a professional, they will typically begin with a thorough inspection of the area and then develop a plan for how to support the home and lift sunken areas. These plans typically involve installing piers, hydraulic jacks or other forms of structural supports under specific parts of the structure that are showing signs of movement.
These types of repairs can be completed very quickly and are significantly less expensive than the costs involved with complete foundation replacement. They also are designed to prevent future problems by addressing the conditions that cause foundation damage in the first place.
When choosing a company for foundation repair, make sure they are licensed and insured and have a solid track record of work in your local area. They should also be able to clearly explain your problem and how they intend to fix it. They should be able to answer any questions you might have, and they should be able to provide you with a comprehensive warranty.
In terms of financing, most foundation repair companies will partner with third-party institutions that specialize in providing funding for homeowners to pay for costly home repairs. These types of loans are typically unsecured and require no down payment, although you will need to meet some requirements. For example, you will likely need to have a high credit score and a steady source of income to be approved.
Lastly, if you are considering borrowing money to fund your foundation repair project, be sure to consider the interest rates and repayment schedules. These can vary significantly between different lenders, so be sure to shop around for the best deal. Another option is to use a personal loan, which may be easier to qualify for. The main caveat here is that the amount of money you borrow must be enough to cover the cost of the repair plus any additional expenses such as a structural engineer’s report and landscaping services to restore the affected areas after the repairs are complete.